Happy family of four on vacation.
September 16, 2015

6 Tips for Keeping Everyone in Your Family Happy at Our Pigeon Forge Vacation Rentals

Ideally, family vacations are fun, relaxing, and stress free. However, when you have to balance the interests of a wide range of ages and personalities, it can be hard hard to keep everyone happy when traveling together. To help you make the most of your stay with us, Aunt Bug’s has put together six tips for ensuring that everyone has a great time at our Pigeon Forge vacation rentals:

1. Involve Everyone in Planning

Chances are good that everyone in your family has ideas about what they want to do. The kids want to play mini golf and go to theme parks, while parents might have something more like hiking and museums on their minds. By talking with every family member about all of the great attractions in Pigeon Forge you’ll get a better idea of what everyone is looking forward to. This allows you to build a loose itinerary that includes one or two items from everyone’s wish list.

2. Pack Snacks and Entertainment for the TripSiblings in the car on a vacation road trip.

Whether you are arriving by land or air everyone will be more comfortable if they are occupied while in transit. That means packing water bottles and healthy snacks so no one gets dehydrated or hungry. Also, because kids tend to get restless and bored, it’s a good idea to plan a few activities. This can be as simple as identifying various license plates or playing 20 questions. Kids always appreciate screen time, so bringing along an iPad, smartphone, or handheld video game system is a great way to pass the time.

3. Have a General Outline for Each Day

While it is typically not a good idea to have every minute of the day planned out, it does make sense to set one or two goals for each day. This way, you avoid the problem of constantly trying to figure out what’s next. It’s a question that kids especially love to ask, and it can create a frustrating situation for everyone when there isn’t a ready answer.

Plus, if you have to spend considerable portions of each day deciding what to do, then you’re giving the kids downtime that they are liable to fill with mischief. By keeping them busy, you’ll be keeping the whole party on a more even keel.

Additionally, be sure to make stopping for meals a part of your plan. Whether you’ll be preparing something to eat in the fully furnished kitchen of our Pigeon Forge vacation rentals or trying out one of the excellent restaurants in the area, everyone will be glad to slow down, rest their feet, and enjoy some good food.

Chairs on the deck of Starry Nights, one of our Pigeon Forge vacation rentals.4. Schedule Alone Time

Family vacations are great for bringing people together, but too much togetherness can be wearying. Be sure to take some time for yourself. This might mean taking a soak in the hot tub or finding a cozy corner where you can curl up with a good book. Maybe you’ll schedule an appointment at a spa. Remember that vacation is a time to recharge your spirit, so don’t hesitate to enjoy the relaxation you deserve.

5. Break Up into Smaller Groups

Maybe a couple of members of your party are keen to try ziplining, but a couple of others would prefer an afternoon of shopping. Why not break up into smaller groups to do both? Each group gets to do exactly what they want before coming back together to compare notes.

6. Enjoy Your CabinThe living room of Golfers Getaway, one of our Pigeon Forge vacation rentals.

Our vacation rentals have everything you need to satisfy every member of the family. With indoor swimming pools, game rooms, outdoor fire pits, and a variety of other special features to choose from, our cabins are designed to delight. Set aside some time to enjoy the amenities, as there is truly something for everyone.

To start planning your family getaway, check out our complete selection of Pigeon Forge vacation rentals!